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Survey finds most Indian travellers prefer using food delivery service while holidaying abroad

Survey finds most Indian travellers prefer using food delivery service while holidaying abroad

Post Covid, there has been a spike in international travel. Indians, young or old, prefer planning in such a way that they can travel to international destinations atleast once a year. In the last survey by Skyscanner, it was observed that GenZ prefer a solo trip when embarking on a foreign trip for the first time.

In the last couple of years, many interesting travel trends have been noticed that Indian travellers are now choosing. Here”s listing out 7 travel trends that Indians are swearing by. It’s not just cost effective but also evolving.

On eagerness to travel

1. 75% of Indian travellers indicate that they would be tempted to book another getaway if they found an irresistible deal. 

budget travel

2. Indians are focused on working up their travel appetite to visit foreign destinations as nearly half (47%) of them are willing to cut back on eating out to save some extra bucks for their big summer trip. 

On evolving travel behaviour: 

3. Nearly a third (31%) of Indian travellers are ready to ditch fancy hotels to stay in hostels to save some moolah while booking their overseas trip. 

4. With searches for ‘Can I order food to a hotel?’ increasing by 44% globally year on year, Skyscanner delved into the trend and revealed that 1 in 2 25-34-year-olds in India say that they are likely to use a food delivery service while on holiday abroad. However, this drops dramatically to almost 1 in 5 for 65+ year olds. 

4. 28% of Indian travellers have shared that they would be willing to stay in self-catering accommodation, rather than a hotel, if it would help them save money. 

budget travel

 On new trends: 

5. With the trend of #loudbudgeting sweeping across the globe, 59% of Indian travellers are opting for a more vocal approach to budgeting for their travel getaways this year. 

6.  Indian travellers are writing new laws of ‘travel math’: nearly half (44%) believe eating the hotel buffet breakfast instead of brunching out means they’ve made money while 39% believe booking all their transportation in advance makes their rides “free” since it’s already paid for. 

7. Move over, tourist hotspots! A staggering 81% of travellers are embracing the hottest new trend, ‘Destination Dupes,’ and are open to exploring less frequented alternatives instead of the typical vacation spots.  

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