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Last Crusade zeppelin glitch? – Adventure Gamers Forums

Last Crusade zeppelin glitch? – Adventure Gamers Forums

Ahoy mateys,,

After about 98 years of spiteful neglect I dusted off Indy And The Last McSade hoping to give it a fresh pass and like it better, but alas, it just really, really sucks.  The incessant mazes, mindless pixel searching, lack of humor and pizazz, and those lame fight sequences that seem to never stop coming at you…ugh.  It’s a heartbreaker because I’m an Indy die hard, a LA classic game die hard, and Last Crusade is one if my favorite films ever which I can quote back to front.

But aside from the aforementioned list of grievances, I seem to have stumbled onto something even more unforgivable: a glitch rendering an unwinnable situation.  In the rafters atop the zeppelin, I avoid all guards and get to the biplane with time to spare, but when I climb down the ladder to the biplane, nothing happens. I click and click and click and it never takes me to the next scene in the biplane.  Indy just sort of shimmies about at the bottom of the ladder next to the biplane and eventually either time runs out and the Zeppelin returns to Germany, or a guard finally comes at me, either way Indy dies. I’m playing this on Scumm VM and have multiple saves and have attempted this about 20 times. Indy never gets in the damn plane.  I watched a YouTube video of this sequence to see if there was some tricky little pixel I needed to click on to get Indy into the plane and, not surprisingly, the player on YouTube has similar problems, he clicks and clicks around, Indy sort of goes halfway back up the ladder then clumsily down again, does a little gimpy Macarena, but then eventually it does finally advance to the next scene in the biplane, so apparently it is possible. 

Does anyone know what’s up here?  Is there a way to get past this glitch, or do I have to go back to one of my earlier saves in the castle and replay that mind numbing maze again in order to get to the airport and bypass the zeppelin sequence altogether?




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