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First Day’s Adventure to the Trail

First Day’s Adventure to the Trail

Like any good New Yorker, I’m a big fan of public transit – so when I realized I could take the subway to the bus and walk right onto the Long Trail, I was rightly stoked! My name is Danielle (my besties call me Danielley), today is my birthday and the start of my Long Trail thru hike!
First step of my journey
But who am I and why am I hiking?
I’m a multi instrumentalist musician from Brooklyn, NY who primarily gigs on alto and tenor saxophone. I play in Funkrust Brass Band, a post apocalyptic disco punk brass band with all original music, megaphone vocals, stunning choreography, and of course a lot of glitter. I’m especially proud of our all-female sax section! I also play a banjo uke and sing in Out of System Transfer, a leftist folk punk band that’s toured all over the US, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. I play with many other projects around NYC, you’ve probably seen me at a weird party or open streets event if you’re local.
Funkrust Brass Band sax section
I co-own a dog walking business with my partner Dan, a former wildland firefighter and park ranger. He has been incredibly supportive and helpful in preparing for this hike, from helping arrange food drops to perfectly fitting my backpack. Of course he’s also running the business in my absence, so I can hike care free knowing everything is in good hands.
Me and Dan with my tent and our client Rocky Road
My love affair with backpacking began at Oberlin College when a few outdoorsy friends took me on a trip in the Smoky Mountains for spring break. Ever since then I’ve backpacked throughout the northeast, primarily in the Catskills but also through the Adirondacks, Berkshires, and New England. The simplicity of life is what appeals to me about backpacking – days spent walking, finding water, and a place to shelter. The self sufficiency of packing everything into your bag and carrying it to the next home for the night makes me feel confident and powerful. And, of course, I really appreciate the connection to nature that I rarely get living in NYC! The Long Trail was a natural fit for me as I wasn’t interested in doing more than a month or so on trail. I’ve section hiked about 50 miles in the southern section before and loved the easy access to water, challenging terrain, and of course the Vermont culture – maple creemees, anyone?
On a trip in Harriman last year
As a professional dogwalker I’m used to walking up to 15 miles a day and am in pretty good shape. I recently ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon, hit the gym fairly often, and do yoga when I’m able. I try to take care of my body and want to make an effort to stretch and roll out my legs when I’m on the trail. I have many fears and worries but I know that I’m strong, smart, and brave. I hope you’ll follow along here as I walk towards Journey’s End!

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